Harry J. Conway American Legion Auxiliary Unit 135 is ready to get this new year started! And it began with an installation! On May 14th, 2021 at 7 pm, incoming officers partook in a dual installation with the Harry J. Conway American Legion Post 135. Department Chaplain Linda Jack brought with her Soraya Umphrey and Pamela DeCoteau, as the installing team, leading the ladies of Unit 135 into their new offices and new year. With flowers to symbolize each office, and a write up of their charge, Linda Jack led the unit through their oath and assignments. Installation ended with the newly installed President, Joan Caron, giving a speech about the hard times this past year has brought upon the little unit, but quickly moving on to express all the positives and hopes for a new and bright one. Many Legions and Units across the state of Maine are struggling due to 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic. As a non profit organization, these groups rely on the support of their community and fundraising events to stay afloat, and to continue contributing to the many programs they sponsor. With a light at the end of the tunnel, Unit 135 has a few things up its sleeve to start doing the work they do best.